11 May, 2006

Help from Dutch Speaking Countries for Suriname

Our Dutch translator, arubagirl, has sent us another translated report, this from a Dutch newspaper:

According do the newspaper Trouw (Trust), the Dutch government conceded money, material and human resources to help Suriname. It goes on to say that in The Netherlands the impression exists that the government doesn't have a complete picture of the situation and thus cannot say where the help is most needed.

Also according to the article, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles are getting ready to send troops to help in Suriname.

A request was also made in The Netherlands on a Surinamese oriented radio station to not send goods directly to Suriname, since the storing would be problematic, but are asking to instead send money.

Note: arubagirl further told us that she contacted a member of the Red Cross in Aruba and asked if there were any plans to help Suriname and so far the answer is unknown.

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